• Setting appropriate staffing levels
  • Business interruptions
  • Supply chain management
  • Business recovery

Communicable Disease Planning (Community)

The objectives of Communicable Disease Emergency Response (CDER) planning

  • To create a document that is rooted in culture, taking into account Community strengths, resilience and incorporating historical lessons in disaster response.
  • To minimize suffering, serious illness and overall deaths.
  • To facilitate communication between CDE response partners.
  • To increase Community readiness and Community member awareness.
  • To develop a plan that is a living document, changing to meet future needs.

The considerations for CDER planning

  • To review the regional/Community governance structure.
  • To integrate the CDER plan with other local and regional plans (e.g. Community Emergency Response Plan, Regional Health Authority (RHA) plan and plans from other local and regional jurisdictions), and ensure its preparedness and response activities are complementary.
  • To review emergency plans from neighboring towns if available.
  • To establish linkages with emergency preparedness and response partners