Emergency Management Programs

Hazard Risk Vulnerability Assessment (HRVA)

A HRVA is a critical tool for managing the risks associated with various hazards.


By systematically identifying, assessing, and addressing vulnerabilities, organizations and communities can significantly enhance their resilience and capacity to respond to and recover from emergencies. An effective HRVA involves continuous collaboration, regular training, and a commitment to ongoing improvement to adapt to changing conditions and emerging threats.

All Hazard Emergency Plans

An All-Hazards Emergency Plan is a vital tool for managing a wide range of emergencies and disasters.


By integrating comprehensive risk assessments, preparedness strategies, specific response and recovery plans, organizations and communities can enhance their resilience and capability to protect lives, property, infrastructure, traditional lands, and valued resources during emergencies. Continuous training, evaluation, and updating of the plan ensure its relevance and effectiveness in an ever-changing risk landscape.

Communicable Disease Emergency Response Plans (CDER)

Setting appropriate staffing levels, business interruptions, supply chain management, business recovery.


Communicable Disease Planning (Community)

The objectives of Communicable Disease Emergency Response (CDER) planning

To create a document that is rooted in culture, taking into account Community strengths, resilience and incorporating historical lessons in disaster response.

To minimize suffering, serious illness and overall deaths.

To facilitate communication between CDE response partners.

To increase Community readiness and Community member awareness.

To develop a plan that is a living document, changing to meet future needs.

The considerations for CDER planning

To review the regional/Community governance structure.

To integrate the CDER plan with other local and regional plans (e.g. Community Emergency Response Plan, Regional Health Authority (RHA) plan and plans from other local and regional jurisdictions), and ensure its preparedness and response activities are complementary.

To review emergency plans from neighboring towns if available.

To establish linkages with emergency preparedness and response partners

Emergency Management Training

Effective emergency planning training is essential for ensuring that individuals and teams are prepared to respond to emergencies and disasters.

By providing comprehensive training on EOC operations, position-specific roles, group coordination, ICS principles, and evacuation procedures, organizations can enhance their readiness and resilience, ultimately protecting lives and property during critical incidents.

Emergency Management Training Included Services

Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) & Position Specific Training (PST)

EOC training prepares individuals to operate within an Emergency Operations Centre, which is the central location for coordinating response and recovery activities during a major incident or disaster.


Emergency EOC position-specific training ensures that individuals understand their specific roles and responsibilities within the emergency management structure.

Everyone who is involved in position specific training will have a general understanding of all EOC roles. Such training is imperative to ensure a cohesive and collaborative approach when dealing with emergencies.

Incident Command System (ICS) Training

ICS training provides a standardized approach to the greater understanding of the Incident Command System.


The ICS training focuses on the overall responsibility of the ICS commander and a greater understanding of operations, logistics, planning, and the financial roles required to ensure a successful outcome.

Evacuation Training

Evacuation training ensures that individuals, teams, and the community are prepared to safely and efficiently evacuate populations and resources during an emergency.


Regular training along with functional exercises will continue to support the practices necessary to ensure a successful and safe outcome of any event. Evacuation training provides an understanding of the legal responsibilities of evacuating a community, and it tests the communities ability to safely and effectively evacuate all community members and resources.

Tabletop Exercises

Tabletop exercises are a vital component of emergency management training, providing an effective method for testing plans, enhancing coordination, and improving decision-making processes.

By conducting well-designed tabletop exercises, organizations can better prepare for real emergencies, ensuring that personnel are ready to respond efficiently and effectively when needed.

Tabletop Exercises

Functional Scale Exercises (FSE)

Functional Scale Exercises (FSE)

The purpose of an FSE is to test and evaluate the entire emergency management system in a realistic, high-stress environment.

It assesses the readiness of responders, the effectiveness of emergency plans, and the coordination among multiple agencies and jurisdictions.

FSE are critical for testing the full spectrum of emergency management capabilities in a realistic setting.


By simulating real-world scenarios, involving actual mobilization of resources, and evaluating performance against pre-established outcomes, these exercises provide invaluable insights into preparedness and areas needing improvement. The role of the exercise coordinator is central to the success of an FSE, ensuring that the exercise is well-planned, objectives are met, and participants gain meaningful experience.